Sunday, February 16, 2014

The book diet

I am on a book diet. By which I don't mean I'm not allowed to read any books (just try and stop me if you dare!), I mean I'm not allowed to buy anymore books. What a most torturous fast to be on, hey? The book diet occurred on account of the fact that I mostly refused to get rid of any as we packed boxes for the new place and MR is already just a little bit nervous as to how all of my 'stuff' (read: books, vintage vases, clothing and shoes) is going to fit in the new humble abode.

In all honesty, I do have approximately 50 books in said boxes that I've not yet read (something tells me I need a holiday), but since when has that ever stopped a girl from buying books? I mean really. I can always justify buying books. And like many book-a-holics, I never stop at one. I always leave a book store with a paper bag bulging with books. Three at a time is a fairly standard book shopping exhibition for me. However, I have started to think that MR might actually be on to something here and it probably would be wiser for me to at least wait until we moved...and unpacked...and bought new shelves...or found somewhere, anywhere, to put my books before I buy any more. <Insert sad face here>. Maybe I should also read a few of the ones I've been meaning to for quite some time, I suppose.

So having breakfast at Daily Planet on Sunday morning and smelling the scent of fresh, new paperbacks as the doors to Planet Books were pushed open was almost more than a girl on a book diet could handle. And so, we went in, but only for a look, I promise!

Wow! Who knew it was that easy?

It shows my ignorance that I didn't realise The Silver Linings Playbook was a book. 

I absolutely wanted this Alice in Wonderland Giant Poster and Colouring Book.
It was tough work convincing me otherwise.

You know, for when you get bored.

*No books were purchased in the making of this post.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how you managed to contain yourself. I am the same in a book shop.. time to go find a massive book shelf for the new place!!! Or make one wall a wall of books???? :)
